Most folks call me Jamie.
I love building internet things and happy teams.
About Me
I've been building on the web since I was a teenager. Back when your choice for the internet was AOL or Prodigy, and to connect to it, a call was made by a modem. ☎️
I took a little sabbatical from computers to pursue music for a while, but when that stalled out, I convinced someone to give me money to build them a website in 2007. Thus began a wild and wonderful ride.
This is my personal site, and here are a few things that keep me busy:
I am the technical co-founder of Daily Minded, a journaling app you'll
actually keep up with!
Reply to a daily email, and BOOM, Journaling complete!
Start Writing Now

My jump into management was challenging. The engineer in me wasn't
happy, nor did I understand the position entirely. I managed to fumble
through it and have found fulfillment on the other side.
I write about my journey and learnings at The Reluctant EM.
Come have a Look
Music continues to be a passion of mine. When I find the time, I combine a sequence of sounds to make a song (or two). I did it enough to put an EP together under the name makemewonder.
Have a Listen

From the Blog
A few Artisan commands to help with everyday database tasks.
Coming back to and Sticking with the Pomodoro Technique
What is one to do when their favorite web app goes away?
Other Notables
- I'm a father and husband.
- I think travelling is pretty spectacular.
- I'm a Big Brother feedster.
- I love to cook.
- I love to read.
- I run for cheeseburgers and beers.
- I'm a music lover & vinyl collector.
- Stand-up comedy is my jam.
- The Ice King is the most complex character on television.
- Meditation keeps me grounded.
- Bo Burnham: Inside